Information & Visiting - Who's Who?

The Ministry Team

The Revd Canon
Nicholas Setterfield
Parish Priest
The Revd Canon
Nicholas Gandy OGS
Assistant Priest

The Churchwardens

Gary Drinkwater
Dave Wilson

PCC Officers

Sarah Oughton
PCC Secretary
Donald Cran
Polly Matthews
Stewardship Recorder

St Matthew's Trust

Ben Drouet

The Parish Office

Anita Speake
Parish Administrator

Particular Responsibility

Sarah Oughton
Safeguarding Officer
Gary Drinkwater
Nick Everitt
Head Server
Seymour Franklin
Patrick Rawlinson
Dorrie Parker
Website & Magazine Editor

The Music Department

Tom Moore
Director of Music
Paul Weston
Assistant Choral Director
Jonathan Starmer
Parish Organist
Steve Stringfellow
Friends of St Matthew's Music

Walsingham Cell

Dave Wilson
Cell Secretary

St Matthew's Minis

Minis Co-ordinator

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