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March's Pastoral Letter from the Vicar

Time for reflection

Posted on Saturday 1 March 2025 at 9:00am

Fr Nicholas

On Ash Wednesday the Church invites us to embark on a journey, the journey of Lent, which is a journey towards Easter. We are a baptised people but haven’t yet lived fully the life of a Christian. Lent calls us to a change of heart and a fuller living of the Gospel. How might we respond and fulfil our vocation?

Jesus spent forty days in the desert, reflecting and praying. The desert may be a harsh place, but it’s an ideal place for prayer and reflection.

This desert experience came at a crucial moment in the life of Jesus, a time of great awakening. As a result he grew to love solitude, and made a habit of seeking it at difficult moments in his life. When people and events threatened to engulf him, he would steal off to a lonely place to recover and rededicate himself to the Father. What he was doing was deepening this first desert experience.

We too need a lonely place for reflection. Often we live foolishly and unspiritually, driven on by stupid desires and imprisoned by selfish habits. We are surrounded by noise and constant activity. We get our priorities wrong. We are unable or unwilling to be alone, to be silent, to be still. And we wonder why we aren’t happy, why we don’t find it easy to get on with others, and why we can’t pray.

We need solitude. In solitude we begin to stand on our own feet before God and the world, and accept full responsibility for our own lives. The hermit goes into the desert, not to lose himself, but to find himself. In solitude we meet our demons, our addictions, our lust, our anger, and our need for recognition and approval.

And we don’t go into the wilderness to escape from others, but to find them in God. ‘Only in solitude and silence can I find the gentleness with which I can love my brothers and sisters.’ (Thomas Merton)

Lent is a precious and essential time given to us in order that we may reorientate our lives, change our priorities, and draw ever closer to Christ and his loving purpose in us. May we resolve to use it well.

Your sincere friend and parish priest,
Fr Nicholas

Evensong Homily Sunday 9 February

New Life in Christ

Posted on Tuesday 25 February 2025 at 11:23am

Ray Douglas

As I stand before you here this evening at St Matthews on the 9th of February, allow me to invite you to step aboard my imaginary Time Machine, my Tardis if you like. Let me take you back to late August 1977, to the deck of HMS Newcastle, a naval vessel under construction at the Neptune Shipyard by the banks of the River Tyne.

It is about 4:15pm on a Friday late afternoon, and I am about to leave forever my former life as a Shipyard Welder. So, I carefully remove my Welders visor that protected my eyes from the intense ultraviolet light that otherwise would have blinded me. Next, I remove my thick leather welders’ jacket that protected me from the molten metal and spatter that used to rain down on me when I was welding an overhead butt joint. My equally thick leather gauntlets, I also laid down, alongside my welding torch and a packet of blue .8mm welding rods. Then, with a last look back, I walked down the gangplank onto the quayside, then out of the gates of the Neptune Yard, never to return. Because, you see, a new life awaited me.

A new life that would see me rock up at Cliff College the following Monday morning. Cliff College is a Methodist lay training college that lies in the deepest dales of Derbyshire, to embark on a future that I had absolutely no idea where it would lead. Yet, it was something this young 21-year-old felt he had to do. Radical as this change in life was to this very nervous, but excited, ex welder.

Why am I telling you all this? Because, in the passage we have just read from Colossians (chapter 3 vs1-22), the Apostle Paul is inviting the Christians in Colossae in Eastern Turkey to consider the radical change in their lives that faith in Christ entails. Or should entail perhaps. In the previous two chapters of Colossians, Paul has been warning of various heresies that were threatening the pure faith in Christ in which the Colossian Christians had put their trust. But, having done that, Paul now challenged them, and us, as to how all this was to play out practically in their day to day lives as Christian Believers.

You see, filling your head with sound Christian doctrine, good as that is, needs to be balanced as to how this practically works out in our daily lives. Our American friends have a phrase to describe this, it is “When the rubber hits the road”. Time, as Paul might say, to “Get real”. RC Lucas puts it like this: ”Paul refuses to teach the doctrines of the faith without insisting that they be translated into corresponding behaviour and conduct”. Or as James chapter 1 v22 puts it, “But be doers of the word, and not hearers only”.

So, in verses 5-8 of Colossians chapter 3, we are invited to put to death or lay aside various vices from our past lives. In a similar way to the day I laid aside my former life as a Shipyard Welder, and the clothing that went with it, so Paul encourages us to lay aside all those things incompatible with a new life in Christ. This is not easy! But we should be encouraged. As Paul says elsewhere in Philippines 1 v6: “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring to completion at the day of Christ Jesus”. Or as Captain Taggart, in that spoof Star Trek film Galaxy Quest puts it: “Never give up, never surrender!”

But, then in verses 9-17, Paul invites us to put on a new set of clothing to replace the ones we seek to leave behind. And what a beautiful suit of clothes they are! No “Emperor’s New Clothes” these! Who would not want things like compassion, kindness, humility, meekness and patience! And on top of all that Love, that as Paul says, “Binds us together in perfect harmony”! Who would not want that? To have that peace of Christ to rule in our hearts? And perhaps, that is why I left the Shipyards that day to pursue this path? A path I am still treading. Even as I stand in these robes and blue scarf today. A bit different from the welding jacket I left hanging on that scaffolding strut. Back in that now closed Neptune Yard, on the banks of the bonny Tyne.

We know, in our hearts do we not, that without the great tailor, without Jesus, the new clothes we are invited to put on, they will always be ill fitting and will pinch. They will always expose all that we are not yet. Yet, if we allow the work of the Holy Spirit in our lives, these clothes will fit ever better, till, one day, they will fit perfectly. In Glory.

Do you want that? I know I do.


February's Pastoral Letter from the Vicar

Being a Christian Community

Posted on Saturday 1 February 2025 at 9:00am

Fr Nicholas

Today in medicine there is so much specialisation that the body tends to be broken up into parts. Some doctors specialise in the heart, others in the brain, others in the eye, others in the ear, and so on. Specialisation is good but it can have a downside. Specialists may be concerned only with organs, not with human beings. They may know scarcely anything about the person whose eye or heart or hip they are treating.

The human body forms a unity even though it is composed of many very different members. Those members are very different from one another and have very different functions. Some undoubtedly are more important than others. Yet to be complete the body needs all of them, and the members need each other.

So it is with the Church. We though many form one body in Christ. By means of our baptism we have become members of the Body of Christ, the Church. Some might wish to go it alone, independent of the community. But there can be no such thing as an isolated Christian. Those who deliberately cut themselves off wound the community. We are part of one another and must not try to go it alone.

Community makes demands of us. For this reason, the temptation to go it alone, to seek salvation independent of others, is strong. But this cannot be. We need each other, just as the parts of the body need each other. And the Church needs all of us. We need to have a sense of belonging to one another and to Christ. We have to get involved even when we would rather just look after ourselves.

Belonging to a community like that at St Matthew’s has obvious benefits. Take reeds for an example. Individually they are weak and easily broken. But tie a bundle of them together, and they are virtually unbreakable. So it is with people. Great strength results from togetherness. People take courage from knowing each other, encouraging each other, and from standing together. Great things can be done when people work together.

The emphasis on community comes from Jesus himself, only he used a different image to describe it. He used the image of a vine and its branches: ‘I am the vine, you are the branches.’ It is a simple but profound illustration of unity and interdependence. It’s obvious that the branches need the vine. But the vine also needs the branches, because it is the branches that produce the fruit.

This is how Jesus wanted it to be between him and his disciples. This is the way he wants it to be between him and us. He is the vine, we are the branches. Without a sense of belonging together, of caring for one another and being responsible for one another, one is not really a Christian.

The fruit which Jesus desires from us is primarily that of unity among ourselves. By this all will know that we belong to him – by the bond that exists between us and the care we show for one another.

Your sincere friend and parish priest,
Fr Nicholas

Cathedral in Crisis

Posted on Monday 27 January 2025 at 10:37am

The Very Revd Chris Dalliston
(Dean of Peterborough)

Dear Friends,

Safeguarding concerns have presented a big challenge for the Church of England nationally, but, nearer to home, the now well- publicised financial issues facing our Cathedral have helped to bring home the challenge we are all facing, whether as individuals or as parishes, to make ends meet or to fund properly the ministry and mission of our church. Jesus said, “the poor you have with you always” – and it can sometimes seem as if we are always poor! From a Cathedral perspective it’s disappointing to be facing yet another financial pinch point when we’ve done so much to improve our financial management, and been so creative in the delivery of a fantastic array of exhibitions, events and activities. But like every other business, we’ve all of us been facing the same issues; Covid, the cost of living crisis, the rising costs of fuel and employment – they’ve all continued to pile pressure on our balance sheets.

We have launched an emergency appeal here, and we pray that that may be fruitful. But “we are afflicted but not crushed, perplexed, but not driven to despair” writes St Paul in 2 Corinthians, and Jesus again and again called us not to be afraid or anxious because “your heavenly Father knows you need all these things”. The real challenge for us all is not one of systems, or process, or finance or funding – but faith.

Whatever we face as individuals or as communities – and we need to be responsible in our stewardship and disciplined in our actions – but above all we need to renew our trust in the living God: “strive first for the kingdom of God... and all these things shall be given to you as well”. (Matthew 6.33)

The Very Revd Chris Dalliston
Dean of Peterborough

Resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury

Bishop's Statement

Posted on Monday 25 November 2024 at 12:32pm

Following the resignation of the Archbishop of Canterbury, Bishop Debbie has made the following statement.

"The Makin Report makes for harrowing reading and leaves me with a feeling of deep sadness and shame for the way in which victims of such horrific abuse have been let down by our Church. I am deeply grateful to those who have been brave enough to speak up and to share their stories and wish to assure them of my prayers.

In resigning, the Archbishop of Canterbury is demonstrating his personal and institutional responsibility for the safeguarding failures and I admire him for doing so. I am thankful for his ministry and recognise the efforts he has made to ensure that the Church of England continues to develop its work in safeguarding practice. I am committed to continuing this work in the Diocese of Peterborough to ensure that the Church is as safe a place as it can be."

Following the publication independent review by Keith Makin into the Church of England's handling of allegations of serious abuse by the late John Smyth, the Archbishop of Canterbury said:

"Having sought the gracious permission of His Majesty The King, I have decided to resign as Archbishop of Canterbury.

The Makin Review has exposed the long-maintained conspiracy of silence about the heinous abuses of John Smyth.

When I was informed in 2013 and told that police had been notified, I believed wrongly that an appropriate resolution would follow.

It is very clear that I must take personal and institutional responsibility for the long and retraumatising period between 2013 and 2024.

It is my duty to honour my Constitutional and church responsibilities, so exact timings will be decided once a review of necessary obligations has been completed, including those in England and in the Anglican Communion.

I hope this decision makes clear how seriously the Church of England understands the need for change and our profound commitment to creating a safer church. As I step down I do so in sorrow with all victims and survivors of abuse.

The last few days have renewed my long felt and profound sense of shame at the historic safeguarding failures of the Church of England. For nearly twelve years I have struggled to introduce improvements. It is for others to judge what has been done.

In the meantime, I will follow through on my commitment to meet victims. I will delegate all my other current responsibilities for safeguarding until the necessary risk assessment process is complete.

I ask everyone to keep my wife Caroline and my children in their prayers. They have been my most important support throughout my ministry, and I am eternally grateful for their sacrifice. Caroline led the spouses’ programme during the Lambeth Conference and has travelled tirelessly in areas of conflict supporting the most vulnerable, the women, and those who care for them locally.

I believe that stepping aside is in the best interests of the Church of England, which I dearly love and which I have been honoured to serve. I pray that this decision points us back towards the love that Jesus Christ has for every one of us.

For above all else, my deepest commitment is to the person of Jesus Christ, my saviour and my God; the bearer of the sins and burdens of the world, and the hope of every person."

If you have been affected by the Makin Review and would like confidential, independent, support, please contact the Safe Spaces helpline. If you would like to report a safeguarding concern, please email the Diocesan Safeguarding Team at

Diocesan Safeguarding Officer : Victoria Kellett
Office : 01733 887040
Mobile : 07484 424378
Email :

Live-streaming, GDPR and Your Consent

Posted on Monday 16 September 2024 at 11:30am

Online live-streaming of services

Some of St Matthew's services (most Sunday mornings and some special services) are live-streamed or recorded for those who cannot attend church in person. Under GDPR, the church must gain the consent of anyone whose image may be captured, as this constitutes collection of "personal data". This includes clergy, readers/intercessors, musicians and congregation.

Whilst every attempt is made not to capture the faces of members of the congregation, this may occasionally happen if people turn around or move around the church during the service. The exception is communion, when the congregation is not filmed. The side aisles and back of the nave are so far as possible film-free areas not covered by the camera. Anyone whose personal data is collected must give their consent. Consent forms are available in church and online . The full policy can be read on our parish website or on the noticeboards in church.

Please read Our Privacy Policy - Filming & Photography and if you are happy to, give your consent by downloading, printing, signing, and handing in the form to a church representative or the Parish Office on your next visit. The consent form can be found at the bottom of the page.

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