Ministry & Mission - House Group, Courses

Parish House Group - learning and sharing together

I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation as you come to know him, so that, with the eyes of your heart enlightened, you may know what is the hope to which he has called you.
Ephesians 1.17

Each month a group of parishioners meet within a domestic and social setting to discuss and explore a topic of interest. At the present time, we are using one or more recent homilies as a point of departure for our deliberations which often take us off into rich and varied territory! A handout is provided for participants.

Typically we meet on a weekday afternoon at 2.00pm, currently at the vicarage. All are most welcome to join us. Further details of each upcoming session, which lasts approximately one hour, are to be found in the weekly notices.

Six Lent Group Meetings

Wednesdays 2:00pm - 3:30pm

Venue: Parish Centre Garden Room

The Pilgrim Course approaches issues of faith, not through persuasion, but by participation in a pattern of reflection and discussion in the company of a small group of fellow travellers.

We will be following the Course module ‘Church and Kingdom’

What does it mean to live as a child of the kingdom of God and follow in the way of Christ each day as a member of his Church? How does it affect our life at work as well as at home? How does it affect what we do with the gifts we have been given, especially those gifts of time and talents, passions, resources and money? How does it affect our relationships with others? And how does it affect our relationship with the world? How is the Christian faith changing us and shaping us so that we become more like Jesus?

The Sessions

Wednesday 12 March 2025 - Session One: Praying through Life
This session looks at the importance of prayer, particularly daily prayer as foundational for the Christian life.

Wednesday 19 March 2025 - Session Two: At Home and at Work
In this session we are beginning to look at how we live out our faith every day and at the importance of Sabbath.

Wednesday 26 March 2025 - Session Three: Living Generously
In this session we are looking at what it means to reflect the generosity of God in our own lives.

Wednesday 2 April 2025 - Session Four: In all my Relationships
In this session we are looking at how faith in the God who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit shapes and changes all our relationships.

Wednesday 9 April 2025 - Session Five: Confronting the injustices of the World
In this session we are looking at how the Christian life requires us to be involved in the affairs of the world and to witness to God’s kingdom of peace and justice every day.

Wednesday 16 April 2025 - Session Six: Treading lightly on the Earth
In this session we are looking at our relationship with the Earth itself.

Further details about the Lent Group will be given in due course.

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