Worship - Service Times

Patterns and Times of Worship

St Matthew's provides a rich variety of opportunities for worship intended to sustain a range of spiritual needs. You are very welcome to join us at any of our services. Please check this page for any occasional changes to service times and the special services coming up page.

Worship on Sunday

10:15am The Parish Mass

The main act of worship for the community.
A sung celebration comprising choral and congregational music. Incense is used.
A carpeted area with Christian resources and activities for young children is provided for those who wish to use it.
Refreshments are served afterwards.

10:15am All-age Mass (once a month)

A more informal style of worship with our Uniformed Organisations where our younger members take responsibility for parts of the service.
A talk or presentation based on the themes of the day replaces the homily. Refreshments provided by Café Guides are available afterwards.

Healing Ministries

The laying on of hands and the Sacrament of Anointing are offered in the Lady Chapel on the second Sunday of the month. Further information may be found on our Ministry of Healing page.

Please note the 9:00am Mass is currently suspended

5:30pm Evensong - according to The Book of Common Prayer

1st and 3rd Sunday of the month Choral Evensong.
On 3rd Sunday Choral Evensong concludes with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament.
On Feast-days, Evensong is Solemn, ie, incense is used.


St Matthew's is committed to providing a safe environment for all who come. If you have any concerns, please speak with one of our welcomers or a churchwarden who may be identified by their lanyard. They will be happy to help you.


Please enter by the main porch in the south west corner of the church where there are no steps. Spaces are provided in the centre of the nave for wheelchair users.

Live streaming

Please note that on Sunday mornings the Parish Mass is live streamed. You may sit where you wish. If, however, you prefer not to be seen online, please sit in a side aisle. The administration of Holy Communion will not be shown.

Loop System

An auditory loop system is available for those with hearing aids. Please turn to 'T'.

Toilet and baby changing facilities

Toilet and baby changing facilities may be found at the base of the church tower. There is also a small servery.

For younger children

In the north aisle (nearest to Collingwood Road), a carpeted area equipped with age appropriate Christian resources is provided. Please feel free to make use of it.

Mobile phone

You are respectfully asked to turn your mobile phone to silent before the service begins.

Worship during the Week

The Daily Mass

Mass takes place in the Lady Chapel and access is via the north door facing Collingwood Road.

Monday 7:00pm Mass
(on Bank Holidays at 9.30am)
Tuesday (currently suspended)
Wednesday    9:30am Mass
Thursday 9:30am Mass
Friday 12 Noon Mass
Saturday 9:30am Mass

The Daily Offices

Morning and Evening Prayer are said in Quire at 9:00am and 5:30pm. You are most welcome to join us. Entry is via the southeast vestry door.

On Principal Feast-days

7:30pm The Parish Mass.
Principal feast-days of Our Lord and Our Lady are observed with a sung celebration.
(The morning Mass is generally cancelled. Please refer to the pew sheet for details.)

Mass for Wholeness and Healing

This takes place in the Lady Chapel on the first Monday of the month and incorporates intercessions for the sick and suffering (offered by a member of our pastoral team) before the Blessed Sacrament and concludes with a simple form of Benediction.

Parish Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham

A Mass of the Holy House is celebrated each month on the second Saturday, and is followed by a Cell meeting and refreshments. For further information please see our Walsingham Cell page.

Monthly Requiem

The Faithful Departed are prayed for each day. Once a month a requiem is offered for the repose of their souls of our departed loved ones, former worshippers, and those whose mortal remains (ashes) have been laid to rest in our church grounds. This service takes place as advertised in the pew sheet.


The Sacrament of Reconciliation, commonly known as 'Confession', is celebrated in the Lady Chapel by appointment with the clergy. They are also available for advice and guidance on any matter of concern. Confession times immediately prior to festivals are as advertised. All aspects of the Sacrament are in confidence.

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