Worship - Servers & Sacristans

Altar Servers

Head Server, Nick Everitt

Members of our worshipping community serve in all kinds of ways. One of those is to serve the liturgy.

We are blessed with a loyal and committed team of altar servers. Together they not only facilitate the practicalities of liturgical worship in a range of ways, but also give dignified expression through movement and symbolism that seeks to honour God and promote the worship of others. Our servers contribute to the catholic spirituality which is characteristic of all we do.

The ministry of a server is to be seen in terms of vocation. It requires preparation, and is essentially about humble service. As is often said, good serving should not be noticed. Being an altar server is never about itself, and seeks to direct attention toward a great appreciation of God through movement and symbolism.

We are always on the lookout for new members to join our friendly team. Full training is provided. If you would like to join us, or perhaps to know more about what is involved, please contact our Head Server, Nick Everitt via our online contact form.

Our Sacristan

Sacristan, Seymour Franklin

The sacristy is that place within the church where all worship requisites are kept. A sacristan is the person with overall responsibility for worship preparation, the care and maintenance of the vestries and their contents, the ordering and storage of supplies, etc. In fact, the sacristan has responsibility for the many tasks, largely unseen by the worshipping community, without which our worship would not happen as well as it does.

Our Sacristan is Seymour Franklin. Although supported by servers and others who wash and iron altar linen, he would be most interested to hear from anyone with practical gifts they can offer to assist him. If this is you, please contact Seymour Franklin via our online contact form.

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