Worship - About Our Worship

About our Worship

Parish Mass Procession with incense

You are very welcome to join us at any of our services. Please check the calendar for any occasional changes to services times.

The founding of St Matthew's Church in 1893 arose out of the Oxford Movement which reintroduced catholic worship and teaching to the Church of England. The Church of St Matthew's was beautifully designed for the ample celebration of catholic liturgy and teaching, and has remained faithful to this distinctive vocation to the present day.

'Do this is remembrance of me'

Our worshipping is centred on the Holy Eucharist, or Mass. From the outset a mass has been offered daily, priestly vestments worn, and soon after the Blessed Sacrament was reserved and incense used at sung services.

Today, the liturgy, whether said or sung, is classically shaped, predominantly formal though always warm-hearted. We seek to achieve spiritual excellence through carefully thought out and well-presented worship expressed in contemporary language. Through the symbolism of catholic ceremonial, though without undue elaboration, we seek to engage all the senses. In this way we hope to bring before God the offering of our whole selves and give him glory.

Music has always been an important and much-valued enrichment to our worship. The Parish Mass is accompanied by choral and congregational music from a wide range of composers, and from all musical periods. Find out more about our fine choir.

The Weekday Mass

We respond daily to Our Lord's explicit command to, 'Do this is remembrance of me'. Mass takes place in the Lady Chapel. It is a quiet, simple and reflective service, an oasis of calm within the daily round where one may be still, experience peace, and discover a renewed sense of direction and purpose for the way ahead. Each day we pray for and on behalf of the Parish of Kingsley, the dispersed worshipping community, for the needs of the world, the sick, departed and bereaved, as well as for our own needs. This service usually lasts around 30 minutes, and is a spiritual life-line to a modest and committed group of people who would love to be part of a large gathering.

All Age Mass for the Parish Family

This monthly service including our Uniformed Groups, who meet each week in term time in St Matthew's Parish Centre, brings together our extended parish family who parade their unit flags and participate more fully and obviously in the service.

Most of our families with younger children attend this less formal service where they are usually involved in welcoming the general congregation, leading the talk or presentation, the prayers, presenting the bread and wine, and then gather around the altar for the eucharistic prayer. The service aims to be an hour long. Café Guides provide more extensive refreshments in church (in summer), and in the parish centre (in winter).

The Parish Mass

The Parish Mass is the main weekly gathering of our worshipping community in a service which is rich in colour and ritual. Though drawn from a variety of church traditions worshippers appreciate the fullness and integrity of St Matthew's Anglo-Catholic tradition.

Choral music is sung and led by St Matthew's Church Choir, with the Organ. Incense is used. A homily is preached, and those who are baptized and communicant members of other churches are welcome to receive Holy Communion. Some members of our congregation travel significant distances to worship at St Matthew's with its distinctive tradition. The service usually lasts between 60 and 75 minutes. Refreshments are served afterwards, and we very much hope you will feel able to stay and share fellowship with us. Find out more about our facilities.

5.30 pm Evensong

There is nothing quite like Anglican Evensong according to the Book of Common Prayer 1662. In part, this is due to a masterpiece of language, the time of day and the rhythm of our bodies. It is also about the balance and proportion of words to music, the choral repertory that has developed around it, the inspiration of soaring architecture, and the need not to 'do' anything beyond being there and opening oneself to receive. To those who know and love it, Evensong is a life-enhancing gift. Why not come and see?

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