Music - Music at St Matthew's

Music has played an important role at St Matthew's since the consecration of the building in 1893, and the Church has been at the forefront of contemporary music and art for over half a century. Today, at sung services, the wonderful sounds of the Choir and the magnificent Walker organ continue to fill the building, inspiring and enhancing our worship.

The present Choir consists of mixed boy and girl choristers aged between eight and eighteen who are supported by a dedicated back row of mixed men and women of all ages. The Choir's repertoire spans over six centuries of music, and includes works by composers of the present day as well as pieces commissioned by St Matthew's Church.

Many of St Matthew's musical commissions are now sung by choirs all over the world. Benjamin Britten wrote his Festival Cantata Rejoice in the Lamb for St Matthew's choir in 1943 at the request of the then Vicar, Revd Canon Walter Hussey, to celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the consecration of the church. Since then, many other composers, including Gerald Finzi, Edmund Rubbra, Lennox Berkeley, Kenneth Leighton, David Bednall and, most recently, Simon Johnson have penned music for the church. The tradition of commissioning new works of music continues to the present day.

St Matthew's is also home to arguably the finest parish church organ of its type in the country. The four manual organ was built in 1895 by the firm J W Walker and Sons and is now of great historical importance. In 2005/2006 the organ underwent a major restoration project costing in excess of a quarter of a million pounds and is now a sought-after recital instrument and many distinguished organists perform regularly at the Church.

For the music at St Matthew's to continue to thrive, inspire those who hear it and to ensure the future security of the Choir and the tradition which has been built up over a period of more than one hundred years, it is vital to maintain consistent financial support. To secure this, and to continue to support and nourish the development of the music, the Friends of St Matthew's Music has been formed.

Please explore the music pages of the website to get a flavour for what is involved in the musical life of St Matthew's. If you would like further information about joining the choir, please contact the Director of Music Tom Moore. or our Friends of St Matthew's Officer, Steve Stringfellow.

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