Worship - All Age Services

All Age Mass for the Parish Family (Parade Service)

Christingle at St Matthew's

This monthly service is supported by our Uniformed Groups and their families who each parade their unit flag. It is usually our best attended regular act of worship.

Generally, this service takes place on the first Sunday of each month in term time. However, the service is occasionally displaced within the month due to our celebration of Mothering Sunday, the varying date of Easter, and to accommodate school term dates. The current programme of all age service dates for the year is set out below.

This less formal service is of approximately one hour's duration, and characterised by greater participation from the younger members of the community. It is accompanied by an easy-to-follow service booklet which contains all you need. Please see our facilities for those with very young children.

After the service, Café Guides provide extensive refreshments in church (in the summer months), and in the parish centre adjacent to the car park at the rear of the church (during the winter).

All are most welcome to attend this service and join us for worship together as a Parish Family.

All Age Mass dates 2024 / 2025
Sunday 15 September 2024 10:15am Battle of Britain Sunday
Sunday 6 October 2024 10:15am Harvest Thanksgiving
Sunday 3 November 2024 10:15am All Saints' Sunday
Sunday 1 December 2024 10:15am First Sunday of Advent
Tuesday 24 December 2024 4.00pm Crib Service and Christingle
Sunday 12 January 2025 10:15am Second Sunday of Epiphany
Sunday 2 February 2025 10:15am Candlemas
Sunday 30 March 2025 10:15am Mothering Sunday
Friday 18 April 2025 10:30am Good Friday Stations of the Cross for all ages
Sunday 4 May 2025 10:15am Third Sunday of Easter
Sunday 8 June 2025 10:15am Pentecost
Sunday 6 July 2025 10:15am Third Sunday after Trinity

First Holy Communion and Confirmation

If you are interested in discussing preparation for First Holy Communion and Confirmation for children and young people, please do get in touch using the contact details provided on our Contact Information page. If you are interested in having your child baptized or confirmed, there is more information available here.

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